The Perfect Gifts for Grandma


Family waving at the camera with the Pro

Gifts for Grandma, Grandpa, or Aging Parents

It’s no secret that shopping for gifts for grandma, grandpa, or an older parent, can be difficult. A life well lived also means they’ve probably acquired everything they need for their day-to-day tasks. Do they really need another stock pot, blanket, or screwdriver? Probably not. And those kinds of gifts are BORING with a capital B. Why not find something that’s new AND solves a problem?

How do you buy a gift for a senior who already has everything?

The trick is to find a present that adds value and independence to their life. As we age, things that we took for granted in our youth become much harder as the years pass on.

One such example that many seniors struggle with is the simple task of clipping fingernails. The standard fingernail clipper hasn’t changed for over 70 years. It’s small and requires a surprising amount of vision and dexterity.

Now imagine you’re a senior with advancing arthritis or decreasing vision and what used to be a simple task is now a lot more difficult. Maybe you have MS or Parkinson’s and fine motor dexterity is an everyday challenge. Or perhaps you’re fully capable of clipping your own nails, but want additional convenience. Or maybe you’re a caregiver and clipping fingernails is low on your priority list. Any way you look at it, there’s no right or wrong reason to want a bit of independence.

In fact, there are over 50 million people in the US alone who have limited dexterity, strength, or vision. And tens of millions more who dislike the messy and annoying process of clipping fingernails. If your parent or grandparent needs help, they’re certainly not alone.

Get them something that makes their life easier.

Introducing the ClipDifferent Pro: the easiest-to-use nail clipper on the planet. It’s easily one of the best gifts for grandma, grandpa, or an aging parent.

ClipDifferent Pro

The ClipDifferent Pro is a revolutionary, first-of-its-kind, automatic fingernail clipper that safely trims fingernails with the simple touch of a button. It’s effortless, safe, leaves no mess, and is built to last.


It uses a bit of science, a bit of magic, and a few top-secret components that elevate the act of fingernail clipping from boring to “holy cow!”.

Put simply, the ClipDifferent Pro utilizes a high-capacity, rechargeable NiMH battery to power a finely-tuned, patent-pending trimming mechanism manufactured with surgical grade stainless steel, to create the most seamless, clean, and nearly effortless fingernail clipping experience you’ve ever had.


Don’t Just Take Our Word For It – Here’s What Others Are Saying


“The ClipDifferent Pro is so simple and easy to use!”

– Rollie Rodgers (Korean War Veteran and Living with Parkinson’s)


“It gives me one more way to be independent.”

– Rick Zeidler (Vision Loss)


“I’ve won the war but it’s these day-to-day battles that we have to deal with.”

– Rick Ebner (Living with MS)


“I think anyone will find the Pro fabulous…especially those who have challenges with fine motor skills.”

– Geno Mucciacciaro (Disabled Veteran with Neurological and Central Nervous System Issues)


“Once you see the Pro work, it’s hard to go back to the old way of clipping your nails”.

– Butch Donohue (Amputee/Limb Loss)


“Every home needs to have one of these!”

– Tamara S. (Home Health Care Advisor)


“I need to buy one of these for my husband!”

– Velma Hagar Ristaino (Author, Inspirational Speaker)



Interested in other types of gifts for grandma, grandpa, or any other special seniors in your life? Here’s a helpful list of articles that cover a wide variety of great gift categories that fit every need:

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