What Does “To Serve” Mean to You?: Inspiring Service

Globe/Places in the country Clip Different can serve

Delving into the Depths of What it Means ‘To Serve’

At ClipDifferent, it means getting adaptive nail clippers to the hands that need them most. However that happens. And we all need a little help sometimes.

On June 24 a call came into ClipDifferent from the wife of a 39-year veteran. She was looking for a nail clipper for her husband who was recently diagnosed with early ALS.

The Mayo Clinic defines ALS:

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS, is a progressive nervous system disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, causing loss of muscle control.

ALS is often called Lou Gehrig’s disease, after the baseball player who was diagnosed with it. Doctors usually don’t know why ALS occurs. Some cases are inherited.

ALS often begins with muscle twitching and weakness in a limb or slurred speech. Eventually, ALS affects control of the muscles needed to move, speak, eat, and breathe. There is no cure for this fatal disease.

More details from the caller: following a conversation with her daughter and a little help from Google for an “automatic nail clipper”, she learned about ClipDifferent for the first time. She also saw the section specifically for Veterans and how many VAs around the country (note the feature image) cover adaptive nail clippers for veterans who need an independent nail care solution. 

The Veterans Affairs purpose:

“To provide veterans the world-class benefits and services they have earned – and to do so by adhering to the highest standards of compassion, commitment, excellence, professionalism, integrity, accountability, and stewardship.”

If you, as a veteran and for whatever reason, need care for hearing, seeing, physical therapy, or independent living aids – resources and options are available to you. With that said, if you have a hard time using the traditional clipper to clip your fingernails – there are solutions available. One of the easiest and most independent is an adaptive nail clipper from ClipDifferent. It simply trims nails at the touch of a button.

Animated gif showing how to use ClipDifferent. "What does to serve mean to you"

To help guide the caller through the process of requesting her husband’s device, ClipDifferent shared “How To Get Your ClipDifferent Adaptive Nail Clipper” from the VA. 

Request from VA Care Specialist → VA Approval → Order

In this situation, an order was approved after information was shared with the Prosthetics Department and Home Modification team.

To the VAs scattered throughout the nation, thank you again for your collaboration, which has resulted in making life easier for many of our veterans.

To our veterans thank you again for your service and for giving our country your life, time, energy, and love. Your sacrifice is honored and appreciated. ClipDifferent is here for you and is a resource.


Call for Special Talents

ClipDifferent is a passionate team manufacturing and distributing nail clippers from Minneapolis, MN. So far, these clippers have reached hands in every state within the US and many countries around the world. The future of nail clipping is at your fingertips and special talents are needed so more hands can be helped. 

Change the World Together: 

  • Ask a family member or friend, “how do you clip your nails?” then share about ClipDifferent.
  • Take a picture or video of you using a device.
  • Share your story or ideas with us.
  • Join our team!

Contact: help@clipdifferent.com or (612) 444-1339

Thank You, ClipDifferent Family

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